This Substack is all about taking you HIGHER!

Heeelllllooo! Welcome and thanks for checking me out. My name is Jennifer Fisher and it’s really great to e-meet you ;)

I am a semi-retired registered healthcare professional with a background in histology (the study of tissues). In histology, we work with a lot of cancer. I think working for as long as I did with cancer has a lot to do with the direction of my second career as an entrepreneur teaching inner stability and authentic success. I think there is a direct and holistic relationship between our health and happiness, and the ways in which we are meeting the needs of our Soul. Too many of us are running ourselves ragged, harming ourselves really, while trying to survive this rat race we call ‘LIFE’. If you stick with me you’ll hear (I voice record all of my blogs for my paid subscribers), or read, me talk about this as ‘Soul Pathology’.

I decided a few years ago that I wanted to commit my energy towards work that was more proactive in supporting others to move away from their “dis-ease”, their suffering and their struggle, and towards a life with more peace, joy and fulfillment; work that I would find more meaningful and rewarding; work that was aligned with the calling of my Soul. In the early days of deciding to leave my career and enter into the unknown as an entrepreneur, my biggest challenge was — and actually always has been — fear. To manage this fear, I used ancient practices to stabilize my internal environment and spiritual study to understand myself better as a spiritual being having a human experience. I then put into action tried-tested-and-true principles for success to inch towards my brand new career, now this is what I teach. I’ll share all about my experiences moving through this transformation right here, with you, on Substack.

This blog is all about OUR Sovereignty. Your Sovereignty is your majesty and your majesty is the supreme authority you have over how you CREATE in your life. In this blog, I provide you with the information and the tools you need to realize your truth — that not only are you capable of peace, joy and fulfillment — it’s your birthright! I’m going to take you Higher so you can get out of the low-level minutia that is keeping you in struggle so you can step into a Higher place where you Know yourself as the capable person that you are.

My research on, and application of, the principles for authentic success, as well as ancient practices, began to meld together to form within me a deeper understanding of true success that I will cover extensively on this platform through a concept that I’ve created called Sovereignpreneurship — a set of principles and practices that lead you to your authentic success path. I’ll share about my own personal Sovereignpreneurship journey; how I moved out of a job that was burning me out and into a job that reflects my Dharma — Serving you with the news about your greatness! This is how I experience joy and fulfillment. THIS is how I reach my full potential. You see, I began to Know within me that my duty was to show up to this work — come hell or high water — no matter how afraid I was, because this is what my Soul wanted me to do. Through the process of Self Realization, I became less impacted and distracted by my fear and more and more clear that this wasn’t even about me - it was about…well… it was about YOU! It was about serving humankind.

In this blog we’ll explore together ancient practices that will help you to Know yourself and to develop a kind of inner stability that supports you in moving in the direction of your highest potential with courage and resolve. We’ll also look at principles, tips and strategies for authentic success which is how you reach your full potential. I’ll be providing you with unique experiential content designed to support you and assist you in experiencing real shifts. I do this using my writing, my videos, my audio creations, my courses and my own music — all with the intention to take you Higher and transform you for personal success.

I can’t wait to BRING IT all to you! So stick around!!

I want you in my community!

Subscribe to join me in growing a High Vibe community with the intention to keep you outta your slump and exactly where you need to be, on your journey to your best life! Together, we will Go Higher…. and Claim Our Highness.

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I hope you’ll join me.

With Love,


Subscribe to Go Higher with Jen Fisher

I create content designed to take you Higher! My goal is to transform you for success - AUTHENTIC SUCCESS - using my writing, audio and video recordings as well as my music. Together let's rise above the struggle and reach our full potential.


Inner Stability Trainer & Authentic Success Principles Teacher. I create experiential content designed to lift you HIGHER. Blending my love of writing, making music and teaching, with my desire to see you reach your full potential.